Get In Touch
541 Melville Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301,
Ph: +1.831.705.5448



Once we have agreed to offer you a contract, we will sit down with you to get a better feel for your personality. Then, we will create a brand new persona based on your unique traits, and build various profiles for the new persona across various social media platforms. We may also organize a professional photoshoot so that we have a ready portfolio of images and videos to use.


The launch phase typically lasts 3-4 weeks. During this time, our goal will be to build a critical mass of followers of the right profile. We will need to put out new content on various social media platforms on a very frequent basis. Where required, we may also invest in mainstream PR and/or advertising. We will continually monitor fan reactions to see if any tweaks might be required.


Once your persona has gained some initial traction, we will take steps to begin monetization. We will transition to mostly private content, including VIP content and other more customized upsells. We will closely monitor traffic and conversion data on your profile and look for ways to optimize for profitability. This is an ongoing process that never ends.


Once your profile is earning serious money, we will look at ways to maximize profitability even more. This may include live chat, streaming and/or collaborations with other creators. This may also include getting you endorsement deals with relevant brands. Our gears never stop turning, and the sky’s the limit!

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